A September Update on our pregnancy

Well, I am 13 weeks pregnant now, and just starting to come out of the green fog. It’s been a great labor day weekend for me. I’m not nausea free yet, but the last 3 days have been such a relief. It does give one reason to hope! Deo Gratias! I even made it to Mass for the first time in months this past Sunday! How grateful my time in the desert has made me for the gift of our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament! I didn’t realize how weak I still was until Mass, I couldn’t stand for any of the Mass. It kind of surprised me, but it probably shouldn’t have. I remember from past pregnancies that it takes me a little while to recover my strength. I’ll have to be patient with myself as I ease back into life and all the ordinary little happenings that go on around here.

Last Monday we heard a strong little heartbeat – makes this all worthwhile.

I am behind in…everything! We usually start our school year at the beginning of August, but God had other plans this year. I’m trying to be relaxed about starting, knowing that my stamina is not what it used to be. The children are anxious to start, and I’m trying to accomplish some basic work. My beloved Montessori plans will have to wait a little while longer for me to recover.

I hope I’ll be back to blogging regularly soon. I pray God continues to bless us with a healthy pregnancy, and I am so grateful for His Mercy to me. It’s so good to be sitting upright, and thinking about something other than how utterly gross I feel!

Words cannot express how grateful Rob and I are for all of your prayers for my recovery and the health of this precious child. It is so humbling and reassuring to be lifted up in prayer by so many of you. Thank you seems so inadequate.

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  1. Oh we’re so grateful for this update and praise GOD for that heart beat!!! Miss you so much all around, please take care and know that Sweetness and Light is still praying for you and that little sweet baby!!! Hugs!

  2. Jenny,Your mom and I talked today 9-4 she said how you’re really coming back out of the green loop! My prayers are with you sweetie and whenever you think you can tolerate the blueberry muffins I’ll ship you some down! Kiss everyone for me and it was so good to visit the last time you were up at your mom’s. We all know what prayers can do too! Love You,Your Aunt Pampy:)

  3. It is great to hear you are doing better! Relax and take care of yourself and the little one! Take some time to enjoy the fact that you are feeling better! Blessings and continued prayers!!

  4. Hey Jen…it’s your cousin Renee. I’m so thankful you are doing better. You’ve been very much in my thoughts and prayers, along with your beautiful family! I love getting to know you again, even though it is through cyber space!!! Take it easy! Slow and steady wins the race…!!:) Renee

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