Back in the Saddle Again

What a week this has been for me! I’m finally at the 16 week mark, and I wish I could say the nausea was gone, but it’s not. Still, it is manageable, and I am certainly functional. In fact, tonight, I am cooking my first meal in over 3 months. Mom cooked while I was sick. I’ve re-warmed leftovers like a pro, suggested and secured all manner of fast food survival food, and been the fortunate recipient of 2 weeks worth of meals from our generous friends. Today though, I started a pot of chili, and I am baking a yummy looking loaf of bread in the machine. Embarrassing confession – I have completely and utterly fallen off the healthy foods wagon. I crave Sonic burgers, Big Macs, greasy fries, oreos, M&M’s. Notice a pattern? Markedly absent from my diet lately are whole grain products, salads, or virtually anything with any nutritive value whatsoever. I’m making a slow comeback, but I don’t plan on giving up my Sonic yet. Not sure how much longer I can milk the “survival food” excuse? Another 5 months? Where’s that blushing emoticon with very fat cheeks – that would be me if I continue eating like this.

Mom came last week to help me clean up and restore some sense of order to the house. We set a mean pace, but the guilt was enough to get me up and moving. I was not about to sit down and sip tea while Mom cleaned, dusted and vacuumed. We even took back the front gardens from the weeds. I feel bad about missing yet another week of school, but I was drowning in dust bunnies and the week was well spent. I hope I can concentrate more on our school days and the regular pace of life now. I’d like to think I can even do a Montessori presentation or two. Peanut desperately needs something productive to do, and Sparkly craves it/needs it.

I’m longing for cooler temperatures, nature walks up on the mountain, leaves falling, open windows, a growing belly and… more Sonic burgers 🙂

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  1. Yea, Jennifer! I’m so happy for you. What a wonderful Mom! And, it probably feels so good to have things clean and a bit “normal” again. Thinking of you often!

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