A Little Advent Gift…and a Little Project I’ve Been Working On

I know this little blog corner has been quiet lately.  I like it like that sometimes.  It’s a simple necessity – quiet – and reflects the natural changes in our family life…and our need to allow some corners of our life to be very quiet.There is a reason for my quiet the last few months.  A little project I’ve been working on.  It isn’t complete yet.  I guess it’ll be done sometime around the end of April, but I bet you’d all like to get a glimpse of the work completed thus far, wouldn’t you?  🙂

Yep.  Another little one in our family!  We’re expecting our 5th around late April.  Right now, I’m about 18 weeks along.  So, now you know the little project we’ve been working on that has necessitated a little more quiet around here.

And now, I’m eager to share an Advent gift with you.  It’s very small, but my little gift nonetheless.

I finished my 2012 Advent plans and I’m happy to share them with you.  Much of our reading is familiar reading, and we may add in a few new books to our list.  If you’re interested in reading in more detail about the book choices, or finding some links for those oop books on the list, you are welcome to read about them on last year’s Advent post here.

Toward Living Advent and Christmas – 2012

And, I’ve often thought that you might want an Advent planner of sorts…something that you could customize and fill in with the delightful Advent books on your shelves, or those found in the library.  So, I’m happily sharing the same Advent plan, but with a planner section in the book column so you can add your own family customs and books keyed to each day.

Toward Living Advent and Christmas Planner – 2012

I do hope these are useful and helpful as we all begin to think of preparing for this joyful season of preparation and waiting in joyful hope!

In dulci Jubilo!

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  1. Oh!! Oh oh oh my!!! I am SO happy for you all! I'm going to gush — is that alright?! LOL You see, you are one of my very favorite bloggers: I so appreciate your friendly, no nonsense, down to earth, enthusiastic homeschooling and family lifestyle as you present it here on your blog. I also love babies, and am always so happy for my favorite people when they announce there is a little one on the way!

    Congratulations and Blessings and Prayers to you and your whole family 🙂

  2. Jenn!!! Soo happy for your! Wow! What a blessing! I've been missing you very much, but understand. How are you feeling with morning sickness and energy? I pray you are feeling as wonderful as you look!

  3. {{{JENN!!!}}}

    OH MY STARS!!!!

    Congratulations! I'm so excited/happy/thankful for you!

    What a wonderful blessing. You just keep right on doing what you're doing – we'll be here waiting for updates!

  4. Oh what a wonderful “project” to be quietly working together with God on! Many congratulations and every blessing to you and the small one in the months to come.

  5. Joining in with the others to offer my congratulations on your newest one! Now I just have to get my printer working so I can print out the planner. Love it! Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Oh Jen! What wonderful news!!!!! I love hearing when people are expecting. God is so generous in including us in His work of creation. You look wonderful, hope you're feeling well. I was wondering if this news might be in store. 🙂

  7. How exciting! Congratulations to you and your family.
    You look wonderful.

    Thank you for sharing the Advent planner, so very helpful and generous.

  8. So wonderful to see the lovely picture of you and baby!!!! You know you remain in my prayers…you are positively glowing :). Thanks, too, for the generous Advent gifts!

  9. Oh Jen, how simply WONDERFUL! Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations! You look absolutely R-A-D-I-A-N-T.

    I will continue to pray for you, your wee one, and your whole family in the days ahead.
    ~Annie in New Hampshire

  10. Beautiful, just Beautiful!! I was really missing your posts, but now I see you had a most good reason for being silent. I'm due right around the same as you with our number 6! Prayers for you as you continue to “work on your little project.” 😉
    And THANK YOU for sharing your wonderful Advent plans! Blessings to you!!

  11. Jen,
    Such wonderful and joyful news! Many blessings to you and your family as you anticipate welcoming this new little bundle of joy into your family!


  12. Congratulations! You look wonderful. I hope that you've been feeling well – that morning sickness isn't the reason for quiet on this blog. Another blessing from God!

  13. Congratulations on your newest blessing!! I wondered why your blog had been so quiet. I thought y'all were working sooo hard on school. 😉 Kathryn (from 4Real)

  14. So wonderful! I've followed your site for years now. Learned so much and patterned much of my schoolroom on yours!

    I just HAD to say joyful blessings to you…may you all have a wonderful Advent as you grow your newest family member 🙂

    In Christ,

  15. Congratulations! What a blessing~I am so VERY thrilled for you. Take care of yourself and thank you for the Advent gift. ~lisa

  16. DEO GRATIAS!!!

    I think that may be just the best reason ever to be quiet on your blog!!!! So happy for your beautiful family! You will be in our prayers.

    Pax Domini Sit Semper Vobiscum,

  17. So beautiful!! Congratulations. We have 5 angels here on earth and 4 in Heaven, so I can feel for you 100%. Five children are wonderful–it just seems to get easier, but LOUDER!!
    Peace & Health,
    Elizabeth Marie

  18. Oh, congratulations!! I am so happy for you and your family. What wonderful news!

    And thank you for sharing your Advent plans again! I've been reviewing you plans from the last two years as I make my plans. I'll look forward to perusing these during my planning time tomorrow!


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