Miracle Product
Have kids?
Food in the house?
Anything fabric or carpeted?
If you answered yes to any of the above you will want to read on!
My sister told me about a product she read about on The Little Green Notebook (ht goes to Little Green Notebook for this…and mental note….add Little Green Notebook to blog reader!) that claimed to work miracles on carpet and upholstery! I ordered it. After sitting on my counter for a couple of days….because it couldn’t really be all that….I grabbed it this morning to try to tackle the stains in the boys room.
Is your mind’s eye working as it should? Boys. Carpet. 2 big dogs. Are you with me? The dogs had, at some point, found a banana peel in the kitchen trashcan and proudly brought their *kill* upstairs to the boys room, consumed half of it, and ground the other half into the boy’s carpet. And where were the boys? Watching. They didn’t think it was a really big deal. So, the banana peel sat there for a little bit, blending with the other floor ornaments….like socks, and clothing, and legos, and the million pictures of B-25s that my oldest son just printed off the web. There it sat. And it left a big, brown stain. Right next to the ground in silly-putty stain.
Deflated sigh.
What’s a gal to do? Mention it to her mom and sister, of course….with another deflated sigh. Enter the lifesaving conversation whereupon I learn of the The Little Green Notebook, and after which I immediately and unhesitatingly click over to Amazon and order.
So, now you’re all caught up with the motivation for the desperate order and the surrounding circumstances. I was ready to hand the bottle of carpet cleaner directly to the boys and have them scrub for the rest of the day…and I had already accepted the fact that there WOULD BE a stain left because no matter how fantastic this stuff was supposed to be the silly putty had been there for months and the banana stain for at least a couple of weeks.
We all sat down around the stain like we were surrounding a little campfire, and I sprayed the banana stain. With an old rag, I began to show the boys how to scrub – back and forth, and move the rag around a little for goodness sake so you aren’t just endlessly scrubbing with the same dirty spot on the rag! When I lifted the rag to demonstrate further, the boys said, “Uh, Mom…it’s gone.” WHAT? Incredulous, I lifted the rag to inspect. GREAT BALLS OF FIRE – the entire 4″ diameter banana stain spot had COMPLETELY GONE!!!!
Well, I reasoned, maybe that wasn’t as set as I initially supposed….here….let’s give it the ole’ one-with-the-carpet-fibers-silly-putty test!! It is SURE TO FAIL this one! Nope. I cannot describe to you my disbelief! IF I had actually believed this stuff would be near miraculous I would have brought the camera with me for before and afters! It does no good to take a picture now because all that’s left is CLEAN CARPET.
People, run….do not walk, to your nearest purveyor of goods and buy this stuff! It is UNBELIEVABLE!
SOLD! I just put some in my Amazon cart.
Timely, as usual! Thank you! I was making note of all the stains in my carpets and thinking “What carpet cleaner will work for those?” Do you think it's only available on Amazon, or in local stores?
Never mind. I went to their website http://www.folexcompany.com and found they are locally — in quite a few places! Thanks!
Oh good – I'm glad you found them, Jenn. Because I have no clue. You WON'T be disappointed!! I'm so amazed at this stuff!
I loved Folex! They used to carry it at our local Walmart, and now they do not (and the 32 oz. bottle was under $6.00, too!) I have been told that Home Depot carries it, but I haven't checked yet.
You know another great product I get from Amazon? Fit fruit and vegetable wash–it's a fantastic degreaser in the kitchen.
Oh, Nadja….I'm so glad you mentioned that! I've been looking for FIT everywhere here. It used to be stocked locally and now it seems hard to find! Why didn't I think to check out Amazon?? Of course!
Thanks for mentioning it – that's a huge help for me!
Thanks so much for the tip! Do you think it would work on fabric car upholstery? I have a car that was new 6 months ago but already looks trashed in the back seat.
Yes – I do think it would work well on car upholstery!
I'm definitely going to try this product…my question is how is it possible that your boys and my boys are roommates and we are not aware of it??? You described the boy bedroom in our house to a “T” (even down to the printed off plane pics)…I haven't found the banana peel & stain YET
We use it too!! Awesome stuff!
I also works great as a laundry stain remover. It gets blood out better than anything else I've tried. I'm in the St. Louis area and our Home Depot carries it.
To quote a famous woman named Jennifer…GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!! I grabbed this large bottle of “stuff” and oh! It made my sofa and armchair look like NEW! And!
That annoying swirly pattern that my 2yo colored under the cushion is almost GONE!
Thank you,
Thank you,
Thank you!!! :o)
Jen, I had to come back and rave, simply RAVE!!! Thank you so much! My Home Depot had this and I bought one bottle as a trial. Stains are out of my carpet, out of my dining room chairs that were impossible to clean and left big stains when you did. My car rug is clean….
Problem is, I'm going to have to get a carpet cleaner, because where I did clean spots on old carpet, I now have bright white stains compared to the rest of the surrounding rug. Embarrassing!
But the biggest thing that this worked on was paint on clothing. My son just wore his best basketball clothes to paint my flowerbox with Daddy. It had dried (but not cured, thank God), so I worked on the stains. They came out of a t-shirt and basketball shorts. Whew!!!
I'd say it works like magic! But BEST of all, no odor, no fumes. My hands don't feel all wrinkly and ruined from touching this. I can't wait to clean my carpets!
Oh, I will have to try this if it worked on silly putty in the carpet! We found silly putty that has been crushed into the fibers of the couch… apparently it fell between the arm of the couch and the cushion. Not visible with the cushion on, but I still know it's there… Thanks for the tip; I will look at our Home Depot!