Sunrise and Snow
Like so many of you, this morning, we woke up to a wintry white over everything. I looked out my windows first thing this morning and saw this…
Before the baby woke, I grabbed my camera! We don’t get that many big snows here (other than a light dusting every now and then), and when we do they’re just breathtaking. The sun coming up over the mountains made this morning’s winter white all the more spectacular. If snow is no big deal to you, then this post will likely not be that riveting. But, since our perspective allows us to see snow as transforming our landscape, I can’t help but want to capture a few memories of the day!
Hope you’re all enjoying these wintry days! They nurture such coziness and have allowed for the warmest of memories – we enjoyed playing in the snow, a humorous attempt at sledding, warm fires and hot chocolate all day! And…I was able to carve out a little quiet reading time for our next Living Page visit, which inspired me to make some new printables for our Nature Study Notebooks! I can’t wait to share them with you tomorrow – they’ll be free for you if you’re interested!
Until tomorrow then!
Absolutely beautiful so very different for this gal who has never seen snow. Love them all though the verandah shot’s light caught me especially
Thanks, Erin! It’s hard to imagine having NEVER seen snow!! Truly! I love how you say “veranda” — here in the deep south, that’s a porch!
It’s so nice to find another person who sees the beauty in snow! We’ve had a nice amount this year. Some years we have snow on the ground at least half the winter and some years we may only get one snow storm. 95% of the people around here complain about it and I can’t stand to hear it anymore. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures!
Thanks, Cassie! I like having a little snowy validation!
Breathtaking! We have snow here too (I read that something like 49 of 50 states have snow on the ground!) – your photos help me appreciate it even more. Love the photos of sunlight on snow.
My husband told me that this morning – it’s really hard to believe! I guess Hawaii is the only state without snow???
Beautiful snowy photos! And a beautiful new blog! I was here not that long ago (Christmas and your new planner posts), and I just love your new look! Very clean, soft and inviting!
That makes my day! How encouraging! I like the look, too – it’s soft and inviting to me…so when you let me know that you feel the same way I’m so encouraged! I really want this little digital spot to be peaceful, fairly “quiet” (digitally speaking), cheery, inviting and encouraging! That’s my prayer anyway! So, thank-you, thank-you for being so kind and thoughtful in letting me know you like it!
Breathtaking, Jen! Enjoy and Happy Valentine’s Day
Wow, Jen – beautiful! “He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change. Praise Him.” Gerard Manley Hopkins.
That’s a beautiful quote, Lisa! Thanks for sharing it! To me, snow really has a unique capacity for showing God’s beauty and stillness – in that fresh snow, everything is so transformed in all the white! It truly does show His glory through His creation! Deo Gratias!
Happy St. Valentine’s day to you, too, friend!!
Enjoying some snow here too, Jen! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!! The dogs are gorgeous!! As for the one state without snow, it’s Florida! They say even Hawaii has snow up on the volcano peaks?! Unbelievable!!!
I am so glad that you got a taste of snow! We have months of it, but, each fresh snowfall is beautiful and peaceful ( after the storm). What a gift to be able to enjoy God’s beauty in each season. Thanks for sharing your photos and excitement.