Learning Spaces – a peek at the learning room re-arranged

I mentioned in an earlier post that I rearranged our learning space here in the learning room. I wasn’t completely unhappy with the rearrangement in here, but when I set out Peanut’s new spring books, I felt so bad that his little table was stuck in the corner facing…the wall. So, I flipped the room a bit, and Peanut is still facing the wall…lol :)….but now he’s between the two sunny windows in the room and his table seems much cheerier. Don’t you think?

Moving furniture has a way of recharging the troops, too. A new placement of a table, new light on your work, a new view, all work to energize us and bespeak a certain freshness and newness that is invigorating to all of us! I didn’t do a top of the shelves to the floor re-org…just the furniture in the center of the room and a few of the lower bookshelves. We think it looks lovely…and since I absolutely love peeking at your sunny spaces 😉 I’m happy to give you a look at ours…

You can see our map cabinet and Doodlebug’s little learning toy centers are still in the same place, but the big kids work at the big table and it has been flipped and turned. The children commented that they like this much better as it affords them both a view out the window.


I took Peanut’s corner. 🙁 I miss looking right out the window to see the little Carolina Chickadee sitting right on my window sill cracking a sunflower seed, but I can still se the windows. 🙂 And, I do love looking into the cheery room. I moved my reading basket behind me…up on a smallish table because Doodlebug was doodle-ing too many of my books and catalogs.


It’s good to have a little freshness indoors this time of year when the out of doors beckons so insistently. Hope you enjoyed this little peek in here…and that you are all having a wonderful spring so far! I’m off to do a bit of tidying in some of our other spaces…

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  1. I need to get energized to deal with our spaces, assuming that anything I put out will be “doodled” seeing as how our doodler likes to climb on chairs… It’s nice to get a nice breath of fresh air from your reorganization! 🙂

  2. I love it! I just stopped by after reading something by you over at A Maiden’s Wreath (which I really enjoyed)… What a wonderful little corner of cyberspace you have here!! 🙂

  3. I really like the new learning room look. Where did you buy the blue desk and chairs? Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi Dianne!

      Thanks for stopping by! This post was done in 2009, and since then we’ve remodeled, so I thought I’d link you to the most recent learning room post since we have entirely new spaces!


      Here is a link to our school table (there are various sizes to choose from): http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005JE6FHY/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B005JE6FHY&linkCode=as2&tag=wildfandmarbl-20&linkId=HRCMO53SQHSQ34ZG – these have adjustable height legs which allow them to grow with the kids.

      And you can purchase the chairs in various heights and styles: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=as_li_ss_tl?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&field-keywords=school%20chairs&linkCode=ur2&tag=wildfandmarbl-20&url=search-alias%3Daps&linkId=PXOHYXJPAZDHJVC3

      Hope that helps!

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