A Life a Little More Hidden

I have missed blogging so much. I miss getting these words out, and I have had so many words lately that I’ve wanted to share with you. But, we have started the school year as of about 3 weeks ago. I can’t begin to express how wonderfully the days are moving along. The rhythm being set is comforting and easy and allows for expression and creativity. I always consider the first month a transitional month. It helps to think of it that way so I’m not upset the first week when I realize I utterly forgot to add this, this and this to my plans, a book doesn’t fit a particular child at all, shelves don’t work over here, my desk is still in dis-array, and I’m scrambling to fine tune plans and activities. This has been my first month. We’re moving into the 4th week of lessons and I am just starting to feel a workable and reliable rhythm has been set.

Last Friday, I cranked Rosemary Clooney up after lessons and I stepped back and assessed the learning room. Some materials were ill-placed, my desk was still in dis-array. I needed to clear surfaces more, and get baskets of books off the floor as I look ahead to the Princess Doodlebug preparing to crawl. It was a productive afternoon. These aren’t room overhauls, those were completed at the beginning of the summer. I’d call this tweaking. I feel strongly about the need for rooms to work for me, and me to have to work as little as possible in them. Materials need to be intuitively placed, attractive, and safely out of tiny hand’s reach. Friday was productive, and Rosemary was motivating and excellent work music.

I’ve made more of a commitment to be organized and thoughtful when it comes to menu planning and shopping. There are at least 3 loads of laundry here daily. My attention and focus on the daily goings-on and necessary discipline has to be constant in order to thwart some bad habits that were developed and to further encourage the setting of good habits.

All of this has translated into a curbing of my computer time. I don’t regret it at all. My home and my family is my apostolate. In the end, I will not answer for my wordy blog posts, but whether or not I hugged my little Peanut, snuggled the doodlebug, encouraged Sweet Pea, and attentively listened to Sparkly, and was present to my husband. These are my treasures, and for a while I’m a little more hidden as I tuck them into their days with every love and affection I can offer.

Routine is motivating our days more and more, and as it does, I’ll be able to blog more again. It does take some time to set that rhythm and make it secure while being attentive to those threats that would thwart consistency. Until then…mine is a life a little more hidden.

A few pics of Princess Doodlebug – she’s sitting up now…and eating!

Be back here soon…St. Martha is begging me to finish up and I have several of the final posts in draft form…back to the hidden life 🙂

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  1. So great to see a new post! I hadn’t realized how much I was keeping up with you and the kids through your blog–till there was no posting for the past 2 weeks! I do understand your need to “focus” especially at the beginning of the school year, yet I look forward to more posts and pictures in the near future. 🙂

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