The Simple Woman’s Daybook

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FOR TODAY…Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Outside My Window…the kids are watering (themselves) the plants. I do hope a little water trickles into our tomato plants.

I am thinking…of the things I need to get done today – laundry, tidying, dinner…

I am thankful for…my dad! Happy Birthday this Thursday, Daddy! I love you!

From the kitchen…tonight, I’m making a roast turkey with vegetables. Yum! It’s a lofty goal for one who is more suited to frozen pizzas dressed up with a bag of salad of late…but I’ve been inspired. Sweet Pea and I have been watching The Barefoot Contessa on the Food Network. I’m captivated. I love her quiet manner in the kitchen, and how she loves preparing food for her husband and friends. For Ina Garten, preparing lovely food is all about serving others. I love this thought from her cookbook, “The Barefoot Contessa at Home”:

“Something smells really good!” my husband, Jeffrey, exclaims every Friday night when he walks in the door. Most weeks, Jeffrey has been around the world and back and when he walks in that door, I want him to feel that he’s really home. What he doesn’t realize is that what feels very casual is, in fact, quite deliberate: the music is playing, all the lights are on, there are flowers everywhere, and chicken and onions are roasting in the oven. I didn’t always know how to make a home. It took time and lots of experimentation.

I am wearing…a khaki skirt and a white t-shirt – remarkably unremarkable.

I am creating…a re-organized home. This re-org is so needed and has been put off for over a year, so don’t be too impressed. After being pregnant and so sick, much of the home tidying was pushed to the backburner for over a year. I had to be realistic about accomplishing major organizational projects while I was sick. They just didn’t happen. And that was ok because I was busy keeping up with the everyday stuff (after I could crawl off the couch) and nurturing the formation of a tiny little one – but now – stand back! I enjoy spending the summer thinking about how I need the house to work for me in the upcoming year. Every year is different because children grow and new children come along. I’m so close to being done with the physical re-organization…then…I’m ready to start planning!

I am going…to the post office today to mail birthday photos to my dad. How delightful that that is my one and only errand! I’m guarding this time at home fiercely. I need it. The children need it.

I am reading…Laying Down the Rails – what a wonderful read.

I am hoping…my roast turkey comes out all right tonight! How my husband deserves a delicious meal to come home to!

I am hearing…the boys upstairs in the shower after Peanut was mysteriously sprayed with water and covered in pine bark mulch. No one seems to know how this happened. I cannot explain to you how pine bark mulch adheres to the human body. More mysteries to ponder.

Around the house…I am beginning a focused program of “clean laundry stays in the appointed drawers”. How many times must I offer this mantra to the boys? I have initiated a new system of clothes-pinning matching shorts and shirt together for placement in the drawer. The boys are to remove the clothes pin from the clothes selection for the day, and dump the clothes pin in the laundry basket. Then, in theory, I will be able to fold, re-match and clothespin clothes back together so that when they put their clothes away all will be folded and matched. All right, so we all have our fantasy delusions…but I still have hope that this will work…a girl can dream.

One of my favorite things…pink diapers hanging on the clothes line. It makes me so happy.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: finish the upstairs tidy – I’m so close to being done, but I keep getting interrupted by velcro backed mulch and spilled orange juice on freshly mopped floors and baby poopy explosions and the announcement that no one has clean underwear…and…and…sigh. I think I’d like to work on a realistic summer routine for the children as well. I allowed a couple of weeks of sheer summer veggi-ing – but a lack of routine breeds dis-order and arguing. Time to get back to some simple plans.

Here is picture thought I am sharing…

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  1. JennLove your pink nappies. Look so pretty. What brand are they? Are you happy with the brand?Btw I notice you have two sidebars again, I remember you posting eons ago on how to do so, I followed the link but couldn’t work it out. I was wondering if you could take the time at some stage to explain it in easier language, pretty please.I know I’m bold and asking a lot, only if you can find the time.God Bless.

  2. Erin, if you want a ‘local’ (West Aust rather than US) alternative, check out < HREF="" REL="nofollow">Green Kids<> nappies. I’ve been using them with Bilby for a bit over a year (and I did have a couple with Puggle). I’m _really_ happy with them:-) Love them a lot:-)The other local idea is to check out the < HREF="" REL="nofollow">OzClothNappy<> list on yahoogroups… it’s a fairly active group, but in their files and links are a pretty exhaustive collection of all the Australian made nappies:-) Plus, there are somewhat regular gatherings in all sorts of areas, where you could look at people’s nappy stashes:-) A great way to see what’s out there. Modern Cloth Nappies and the Australian Nappy Network may also be worth a search (those three pretty much link to each other).

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