My Home Management Book

I think I might have mentioned in an earlier post that I’ve been trying to put something like this together for about a year now. I just couldn’t visualize what I wanted to put in it. So, I had loose ends everywhere. I knew it didn’t make sense, but how to fix it eluded me…until now. Kim at Starry Sky Ranch has done most of the work, creating a lot of forms that she makes available for download right from her site. What a treasure. I ended up re-creating most of the forms to suit our family, but that’s the beauty of this project, you aren’t buying some generic (read ugly) pre-packaged planner that works in some areas, but contains useless information in other areas, and is lacking some areas that need management altogether. I created 7 sections for now, but I know that as time goes on, and after I listen to Kimberly Hahn’s “A Mother’s Rule of Life” CD’s again, I’ll probably add more sections.

I think over time, situations will present themselves (if I’m attentive enough) that would benefit from a little management. Keeping all of this information in one place really sets up a (potentially) efficient and smoothly running household.

Getting started…a bouquet of pretty papers

I think I’ll include a few pictures of my book. I’ll try to describe the pages somewhat – keep in mind that they will always be evolving to a more useable state. This is what I’ve decided to start with.

Menu section – I really need to live this section – so much work to do here

Rule of Life – I enjoyed putting my rule of life somewhere useful. It’s not a strict schedule, but I found it does help keep us focused.

There are several other sections, but I decided to post only these two – not sure if anyone really cares anyway, but it’s fun to put it out there.
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  1. I can’t wait to see this when you come. I am having trouble visualizing it and really don’t have time (at least in the next few days) to go to the site you referenced to download some of the forms Kim makes available.I have no doubt that I need to more efficiently manage my time, but somehow a notebook just seems like adding more work??? But since I obviously have not been able “to get my act together” to my satisfaction after all these many years, maybe it is time to look at the system some of you young moms are putting together.

  2. Jen,After being in the company of 3 great organizers this weekend, Jen, Carolyn and Kim…and after my craft meeting Monday this is what I did…Converted my closet when you first walk in to my “craft” closet. I bought a 7-drawer multi-size unit from Wal-Mart, some of the drawers have nothing but glue; wire and cutting tools;paints and paint brushes;asstd.seasonal bags for goodies;paper twists rainbow of colors; and one asst drawer. I put the 3-drawer unit for sewing on top, plastic canvas between the two units, gift bags between drawers and bins. My big plastic bin of flowers and material are to one side and my “shoe bag” holds all my curly ribbon. Above on the shelf are the majority of my craft magazine and books. Will have to take a few pictures to send….The binder sounds fantastic have always put my “stuff” on computer, but a binder for back up will be good too!It’s late and wanted to check out my favorite family’s blog site “Wildflowers and Marbles.”Love to all Aunt Pampy

  3. Don’t know HOW I missed this, it’s truly lovely and beautiful, perhaps I’ll get mine finished, it’s lost under all my Montessori Albums right now, LOL!!

  4. Hi Jen, (this is second try to post a comment, not sure if the first got through) Just wondering why you have 3 color coded columns on the Rule of Life page and not just one column. I like the look of the 3 columns and I think it would work better for me than just a single column. Do the colors represent a change of focus? THanks, Cine.

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