The Littlest Darling Arrives

Well friends – she’s here!  
She arrived delightfully last Monday, April 22!  

I had been procrastinating packing carefully considering what to pack in my hospital bag for some time when my 12 year old son finally implored me to get it done!  He was convinced this baby would come soon!  🙂  That was Monday morning, April 22!

After packing my hospital bag, I really wanted to compile all my favorite little morning and evening prayers into a little personal prayer booklet that I could tuck in my hospital bag – rather than packing all of my books or having to whittle books down in an attempt to economize space.

And…I figured I had P-L-E-N-T-Y of time, right?  I mean – we weren’t planning on inducing for another week!
So, I sat down to my laptop after packing my hospital bag and gathered up some of my favorite prayer resources: typed in my favorite morning and evening prayers from the St. Andrew’s Missal, and included some examens I really like that I compiled from a favorite book of Mother Mary Loyola’s (Forgive Us Our Trespasses).  

I printed, made covers and tabbed dividers using a pretty scrapbook paper, punched and bound with my Proclick.  Ah!  Pretty and oh-so-tuckable!

I was leaning down to put away my bin of scrapbook paper when my water broke!  How generous is God’s timing – He waited for me to pack my bag and get my little prayer booklet together and then it was time!  My water broke around 3:00 (I think)….Rob rushed home from work to pick me up….and we had a baby in arms around 8:00 pm.  It was a smooth and easy labor – and went fast (as is usual for me — don’t hate!!!)

She’s just darling, and Rob and I are blessed!  We named her Lauren Marie (and as is usual, this will be the only post with her real name!  Henceforward, she will be known here as Elly).  She’s doing great and I’m feeling great with her on the OUTSIDE!  The kids are enamored!

She was baptized last Saturday…

Well…there you have it!  Our joy-filled week last week!  I thought I’d share just a few pictures of her first week with you and then slip into the quiet again as we enjoy her preciousness!

I can’t wait to enjoy some more time with you here: sharing about our year (which would certainly rank as one of our less-than-stellar years — yes!  we have them too!), sharing a bit about my favorite baby things (after 5, I have DEFINITE opinions about which baby things are essential and I wouldn’t want to be without….and which are just space-money-suckers!)….and so many of the beautiful and ordinary parts of our days that make them delightful and worthwhile!

I must confess – 5 years ago after our little Doodlebug, I really didn’t think there would be another baby announcement on this blog again.  (And by the way….if you click back to Doodlebug’s birth announcement, you will see an uncanny resemblance between Katie and Lauren!)  I’m 42 now, and it just didn’t look like we’d be able to welcome another little one.  With prayer, we were content.  And then…we were surprised.  🙂  And now…we’re overjoyed!

Now, in your goodness, please go pray for my dear friend who is due any minute with another Snow baby!

Back soon…God bless you all!

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  1. Oh Jen, I am so incredibly happy for you!! For you all, what a Blessing, indeed!! 🙂 I have enjoyed getting to know your family through your blog for many years now; love reading your thoughtful and enthusiastic homschooling posts: am so happy for you. Have a wonderful babymoon with your deal little one 🙂

  2. Blessings to you and your little one!

    Your comment about the school year is heartening as we've dealt with prolonged sickness and a birth of our grand daughter ( I'm four years older than you!)so it was encouraging to read another mum, being honest!

    Peace to you


  3. She is so, so gorgeous!!! Beautiful with a beautiful name. I see the oldest two are godparents:) We've had our oldest be godparents a time or two:)

  4. Congratulations! Deo Gratias! She is so, so beautiful! That first picture is such perfection.
    And I love your little prayer book story! It looks like a wonderful collection, and so pretty. How delightful that you were able to finish. How special to commence labor at the hour of mercy.
    How glorious to be enjoying a babymoon one more time! Deo Gratias!

  5. Thank you so much for posting all of those lovely pictures! She is so beautiful, and all of your children already look like real baby experts! Enjoy these delightful and challenging days, and don't worry too much about having had a “bad year”. It really will all be for the best in the end :). Prayers continue for you and yours!

  6. Hooray, hooray! Congratulations! Thank you for sharing you lovely pictures. Her timing in coming is amazing, how funny and delightful.

  7. beautiful little one and blessed timing. DEO GRATIAS!
    pax Christi,
    i am hating since i have looong labors (18-36 hrs). 😉

  8. WOW!
    Best news!!! Best news!!

    Congratulations, Jen
    Terrific pictures!

    Can't wait for regular posting about the newest miracle!


  9. What an amazing blessing! Your story is so beautiful and I am so happy you shared it! I just turned 43…and I am pregnant with #10 due in December! I didn't know if we were going to have another one, either. I had such hard pregnancies and I felt like this was my Divine Mercy baby and I found out just before that feast in the midst of our novena…we are so blessed!
    We will keep you and your lovely little one and family in our prayers as you adjust to your new normal!

    BTW..that veil is so lovely!

    {{{{hugs}}} and prayers! I am so very happy for you!!!!!

  10. Oh, such a beautiful baby! Wonderful blessings! Looking forward to upcoming post. I know you said you have a difficult school year, and we have too. The good news is that your blog kept me going! Every time I struggled I would come here and find some inspiring post. It always helped me to keep in track and continue our journey. I just wanted to let you know you are mentoring me and you didn't even know. ; ) Enjoy that baby!!!

  11. What a cutie she is! Isn't it funny how God arranges things? I'm looking forward to meeting her some day… and hope you have a happy and peaceful babymoon 🙂

  12. I had been wondering when we might hear news. Congratulations! She is beautiful! I love her name, it's a favourite of mine. Who knows, I might get to use it yet as I'm 9 weeks pregnant.

    God bless your little one and your beautiful family! May you enjoy this special time! Pull your camera out lots won't you. And the Snow family will be in my prayers.

  13. How beautiful…all my congratulations to you! My sister is an Elly…great name, indeed!


  14. She's beautiful! What a precious bundle! I will turn 43 this year and wonder about having a #6, so I can identify. Happy babymoon!

  15. Congratulations! She shares a birthday with my son! Thank you for sharing your blessings with us. May the LORD richly bless you all!

  16. Such a blessing to see precious little Lauren AND your beautiful family! The pics of your family radiate such love and joy! May the Lord bless you all with a wondrously peaceful, delightful, grace-filled babymoon!

  17. What joy! Thank you, Jen, for sharing your story and photos with us. Praying in thanksgiving!

  18. OH I am so tickled to find more adorable pictures here! You all look so happy! I am so thrilled she is safely in your arms! Thank you for the prayers for us, I am dilated to a 3, but apparently it's not his birthday yet.. so maybe today, maybe tomorrow. I can't wait to hold her and give you a big hug! We've prayed our way and offered up through the last 9 months. Love you!

  19. So happy for you and your beautiful family, Jen! She is just perfect and her place in your arms and hearts more than perfect!

  20. Congratulations, been waiting to hear the news! We are expecting baby number 5 in just a few months, also with a 5 year age gap since the last one – God knows exactly what we need in our lives, look forward to seeing how things go this year, as we will have a newborn and a highschooler this fall 🙂 always good to see someone walking a few steps ahead of me to get advice and pointers from 🙂

  21. I follow your blog and read often, but never comment.

    I felt compelled today!

    What a joyous time for your family.



  22. She's GORGEOUS! I love your story and your prayer book. What treasures! Look forward to hearing all about your baby must-haves as I enter my third trimester and full-blown nesting. After 4, I'm pretty well set, but its always nice to know if there is a little something that other experienced moms find helpful:)

  23. Oh, Jennifer I haven't visited in a long time and to find this wonderful news!!!

    Congratulations – how beautiful she is and your whole family! Just in time for another Roll Tide season 🙂

    Blessings, Lori

  24. God is so great and kind and merciful. We never know what tender mercies and delightful surprises He has in store if we will only trust and live according to His will and His timetable. Congrats on a safe deliver for you both. In His Service…

  25. Congratulations Jen! Lauren is beautiful! I know you have plenty of helpers, but if you need anything, just let me know.

    Jennifer Groves

  26. There is nothing better than deciding to check out one of my favorite blogs and find out such wonderful news!! (I didn't even know you were expecting!) Congratulations– she is beautiful. Thank you for the inspiration again and again- and in so many ways! -Faith

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