A Gift for Your Stationery Basket
After posting about my Stationery Basket, Elisa wrote:
I am looking for 8.5 x 11 pages, or similar to that size, but not the 5×8 paper. I want something lined and something that I can write on with an ink fountain pen. I just browsed all the sites, but I can’t find it! I will keep looking, but please write back if you know a place.
Elisa, I am finding the same challenge! I would love to find an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of stationery paper, but I simply cannot. So, I made my own, and I’m pleased to share them with you so that you can download them and use them in your own stationery baskets. It really couldn’t be simpler. Just click on the links provided at the bottom of this post, and save to your desktop. Print on nice paper.
I tried two different colors of paper. I really wanted a light Robin’s Egg Blue, and ordered a turquoise paper I hoped might be the right color, but it’s really too deep, too bright and dark. If you know of a good source for a nice Robin’s Egg Blue 8 1/2 x 11 paper, please do leave a comment for me! Edited to say that I found my Robin’s Egg Blue paper at Paper Source, the color name is Pool.
With the paper in hand, I set out to find some lovely vintage clip art that was in the public domain. The Graphics Fairy has always been a favorite resource of mine and I chose several graphic images I liked for the stationery you see pictured. There are a variety of lovely choices offered, and all of the images are copyright free (in the public domain). If you don’t see something you like here, why not browse around and make your own stationery to suit your tastes and preferences?
I started with a simple document and added light gray lines to the page….because….well, I have a hard time writing in a straight line without guide lines. I’ve always wished I could do this, but so far I’ve been unsuccessful, so I rationalized that it would be better to have lightly printed shadowy lines…than to mar my stationery with my drifting penmanship. Thus…
From there, I dropped the vintage images in place. I edited all of them in terms of size, and flipped a few images. Click on the images to blow up the pictures and get a closer look. The link to download each image pictured is below each image (you’ll need Adobe Acrobat to view and open these). Hope you enjoy!
How lovely! Thank you.
Oh my goodness!!! Thank you SO much!! This is so sweet of you to take the time to do this. I love these pagers. I ordered the ivory paper and downloaded these and can't wait to write a letter. Thank you so much!
Thank you, Jen.
Dear Jen,
What a beautiful gift to share.
Thank you
God Bless
Oooohh!!! It feels like Christmas. What a treat. Thank you.
I love them!!! My favorite is the birds nest!! Perfect for Spring!!
If you have an Office Depot near you, they have TONS of various weight paper in lots of colors. You might find the color you seek there. I would recommend actually going to one and looking, rather than doing it online. Might be a drive, but worth it if you get the paper you want.
Oh, You are so kind. Thank you! ~lisa
Thank you Jen! These are truly beautiful. By the way, the Children at Play link doesn't work.
Oh my WORD! These are beautiful – thank you so much for sharing your talents! Now I just need to purchase some printer ink!
These are gorgeous! I know the children in my atrium will love them. Thank you so much!
What a creative idea! Thank you so much for sharing your lovely stationery. The light grey lines are truly an inspiration!
Thank you, Jen, for sharing this! The sheets are lovely. Maybe you will receive a letter from me on one of these beautiful papers!
can you do some more homeschoool posts????????
Thank you all so much for your kind comments!
THANK YOU for letting me know about the >>children at play<< link. I fixed it!
Thank you so very much for the lovely stationary downloads. I am going to enjoy using them to journal on.
Thank you, Jen! I have been in need of upgrading my notebook paper to something prettier =) This is perfect!