June – Month of the Sacred Heart – A Craft
June is the month devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Solemnity of the Sacred Heart is on June 19.
“Look at this Heart which has loved men so much, and yet men do not want to love Me in return. Through you My divine Heart wishes to spread its love everywhere on earth.”Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
We came up with a craft to honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus. You can do this anytime during the month of June since the entire month is devoted to honoring His Most Sacred Heart.
Note: This post, originally written in 2009, has migrated across blog platforms a couple of times, and in doing so, some of the image quality has degraded.
Craft Supplies Needed:
- Papier Mache Heart – we purchased ours from Michael’s craft store.
- Red Acrylic Paint
- Red and Orange Paper
- 3 or 4 pipe cleaners in some shade of brown or tan
- 1 standard size popsicle stick
- 1 half size popsicle stick (or you could simply cut a standard popsicle stick in half)
- Small bit of red embroidery thread (about 10 inches) – or any thread will do.
- Glue
- (Optional) red ribbon and miniature clothespins (also available at Michael’s)

2. Carefully cut a slit in the top of the heart. This will be used to hold your popsicle stick that will eventually hold the flames and cross that sit atop the Sacred Heart. Use the popsicle stick as a guide. PARENT: this is definitely a step for you! Rob did this for us. He used a utility knife with a razor blade and patiently whittled away until he had an opening just the right size. An exacto knife would also be ideal.

Now choose another small flame of the opposite color – carefully gather it at the base of the popsicle stick. Keep working your way around the base of the popsicle stick adding layers of flames almost like you’re building a flower. You probably won’t use all the flames – that’s ok. Save them for step 8. Don’t worry about fanning out the flames yet! Have someone help you secure the flames to the popsicle stick by tying red embroidery thread very tightly around the base of the flames. Snip the excess.
8. Fan or separate the individual flames a bit to offer a more realistic, flame-like appearance. Insert the end of the popsicle stick into the opening you made on the heart. Ours is quite snug fitting, but we added glue anyway for security. We applied glue from the underside. Allow to dry. Be gentle as you separate the flames, they can still pop off. We chose to use some of our leftover flames to glue around the base of flames to fill it out a bit more. It also secured the flames together as well as hold them securely on the popsicle stick. Allow to dry completely.
9. Using the smaller popsicle stick, dab a little glue in a small spot right in the middle…
…and glue it to the longer popsicle stick. Allow these to dry before proceeding.
10. Now, let’s make the Crown of Thorns…hold the two long pipecleaners right next to each other. Match the ends and tightly twist an end 2 or 3 times just so that the pipe cleaners are secured together. Now, move away from the twisted end about 1 ½ inches and make one single twist there. Use your fingers to spread the pipe cleaners apart in between the twisted end and the single twist you just made – it should be somewhat oval shaped.
Move another 1 ½ inches away from the last twist and repeat again with a single twist and then spread the stems apart.
Continue doing this until you only have about ½ inch left on the ends and twist the ends together securely just like the opposite end.

:: Novena to the Sacred Heart beginning on June 11.
:: Beads of the Sacred Heart offered on Rosary beads.
:: Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart.
:: Enthronement of the Sacred Heart.
:: Twelve Promises of Jesus to those devoted to His Most Sacred Heart.Teatime:
“…Only the Heart of Christ Who knows the depths of His Father’s love could reveal to us the abyss of His mercy in so simple and beautiful a way.”Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph #1439
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Your craft turned out absolutely lovely! I have heart shaped cookies planned, but I didn't think about keeping with the theme for our tea — raspberry tea it is. Many blessings to you.
This is absolutely incredible! Thank you so much for sharing it. Have a blessed month of the Sacred Heart!
I LOVE this! I have archived it to share the link in June. What a great craft. Thanks for sharing! 🙂