Princess Doodlebug and the Drive to Move…

Well, its happened. She’s figured out that her arms and legs will work together and propel her in a generally forward direction. Adorable, I know…but one of the challenges of having a floorplan that is relatively open is figuring out how to contain the adorable child with 8 arms and lightning speed. It is at this developmental juncture that the picky eater begins to supplement their diet with the treasures that are awaiting them under the table. Oh sure, we sweep. We vacuum. But, there is always an alluring treasure that has magnetic properties. They won’t eat something edible, soft, and germ free clinging to their fork or spoon, but they will scale impossible obstacles to get at a petrified piece of meat on the floor from last week’s meatloaf!

Enjoy watching the little Doodlelicious and her newly found skills…

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