The Simple Woman’s Daybook

Visit Peggy at The Simple Woman
for her daybook entry and others.

FOR TODAY…Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Outside My Window…the tomato plants are full of little red tomatoes and Sparkly’s third cucumber of the season is about ready to be picked. I’m always amazed at the children’s little container gardens.

I am thinking…how is it that the children can sense when I’m awake? Doesn’t matter when I get up, or how quiet I am, they know it! I was up early this morning with the little doodlebug – long night with sore legs after her shots yesterday. She’s fine and peacefully sleeping now. I thought this might be a delicious hour all to myself. I poured my cup of coffee and turned around – and there was Sweet Pea standing there…good grief! Now, I hear the boys awake…ugh! There is to be no stolen moment this morning.

I am thankful for…ical! 🙂 Seriously, I’ve been trying to figure it out for years now – to no avail. I would earnestly try to figure out how to make it work for me, and then give up in frustration. Something clicked last week – a eureka moment – and it’s as if the heavens have opened up and sent me a little gift from above.  I am practically bursting to get back to my little ical with its happy colors to finish mapping out the rhythm of our days.

From the kitchen…I made it to the farmer’s market yesterday! We bought some lovely peaches and blueberries. Cobblers are on the menu this week!

I am wearing…a denim skirt, pink t-shirt and pink seersucker shirt over it with my Dansko Mary Janes.

I am creating…ummmm….lesson plans in ical.

I am going…to take Sweet Pea to horseback riding lessons early this morning, and then I am going to come home and sweep through the house confiscating all tubes of Chapstick and Little Bear toothpaste…apparently they have become the 5th food group for Peanut.

I am reading…Chance or Purpose? Creation, Evolution and a Rational Faith by Cardinal Shoenborn (thanks for the recommendation, Dad!) and to balance a serious theological discussion, The Barefoot Contessa at Home as well as 2 other cookbooks of hers – they are delightful!

I am hoping…the littlest doodlebug is feeling better today.

I am hearing…Peanut singing zip-a-dee-doo-dah at an outrageously early hour of the morning. Please kick in soon coffee!

Around the house…my laundry is piled up on the couch, more is piled up outside the laundry room door, and even more is piled in baskets in rooms. I’m behind. I needed to snuggle my littlest last night though, and I don’t regret a single minute of it. I’ll catch up today – I hope.

One of my favorite things…nature study out the kitchen window. We’re watching our first water lily open and close each day. It’s so beautiful – a lovely pale pink.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: catch up on the laundry, make a big dinner tonight to go with a big bowl of pasta salad I have in the fridge already, and then hopefully work on some more planning in ical.

Here is picture thought I am sharing…

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One Comment

  1. With everything going on where do you ever find the time to blog?!! But I am glad you do. It is like a short visit with you every time I check in 🙂

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