In the Service of the King of Kings
Our Sparkly has been training and waiting and anticipating this day with much excitement. Today was the first day he served Our Lord’s altar during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I can tell you that as a parent, few things top something like this! When one of my children receives a Sacrament, I am beaming inside and out. Today, I felt like that! I was beaming as I watched him at the foot of the altar with hands folded reverently in prayer, kneeling in Adoration, praying on behalf of the faithful.
Here he is with some of the amazing young men who also serve the Mass….Sparkly is the short little fella. We have to apologize for the somewhat blurry pics. 🙁 Rob and I took these from the vestibule…flash off so as not to disturb the Mass…but that meant the camera was very sensitive to motion…of which there was a great deal thanks to the very active Princess Doodlebug in arms. sigh.

Processing in….Sparkly is on the far left up front. Just to the right of the taller server…in the pew…are Sweet Pea and Rob.

The prayers just before the Consecration…Sparkly, if you haven’t guessed by now, is the shortest of the servers…can you spot him?

Processing out…
If you look closely, on the far right there, you can see the little Peanut admiring his big brother. Peanut is that little fella there with the light blonde hair and the plaid shirt and khaki pants.
– Saint Dominic Savio
Oh what joy:) When each of my boys have started serving I have been so thrilled; now I have three who serve together!
Blessings to you, what a special day. btw I hadn't picked up you went to the TLM, lucky you.
Wow! Congratulations, Sparkly! 🙂
How wonderful to see servers wearing traditional cassocks!!!
I too, have always been elated in seeing my sons so CLOSE to Our Lord in His Sanctuary!!! However, I have been watching my sons serve for more almost 10 years now and I STILL can not bring myself to watch when they light all the candles before Mass!!!! This is a mother's cross to be sure!!!! I'm a nervous wreck every time!
Oh Jen, thank you for such a wonderful account! My oldest son just started serving as well, and I feel exactly the same way.
God bless you!
Beautiful! I would love to talk back with you soon 🙂 God Bless, Lori
Congratulations to Sparkly and his proud parents! There's nothing like seeing your son, young or old, in a cassock for the first time. But truly, it is wonderful every time they get to serve at the altar – such a blessing!
That is wonderful!
There is certainly something special about watching a child excited about serving on Sunday – our son has been serving as an acolyte for several years, and still gets excited every time his turn rolls around on the schedule. It is a wonderful thing to see such love of the church in young boys!
I love seeing Peanut admiring his big brother.
Congratulations to Sparky. I'm so sorry we missed this Mass. By the way, what were you doing sitting on that side of the church? LOL!!
God bless,