Introduction to the Mass – Montessori style

Today we completed our first introduction to the Mass. It wasn’t really on my list of things to get done today, but the kids just couldn’t wait any longer. They’d seen me assembling and setting up the home atrium (what we used to just call our Feast Table) and gathering all of the items for the mini Mass kit. Some pieces we had, others we had to order. There were fruitful trips to the thrift store! Almost everything we needed had finally come together. I did not withhold the precious pieces from them – instead allowing them to ring the bells, and admire the cruets and paten, but only a limited viewing was allowed. In other words, I did not allow these things to become assimilated amongst the hot wheels, trains, model horses, etc. They have been begging to get started. So today, during Peanut’s naptime, we had our first lesson using Moira’s Home Catechesis book – Inviting Christ’s Presence, Altar Work 1. I was very pleased with the lesson. The atmosphere seems to invite quiet, and both the children commented on how much they liked that. Here’s our start:

Sparkly slowly and carefully unfolds the altar cloth checking for wrinkles and making sure that both sides are evenly hanging over the altar. The creases are certainly a big help when folding and unfolding.

He set out two candles, and now the crucifix.

Try to imagine the complete and total excitement when a 6 year old boy is told “YES, you may light the candles on your altar.” Thrilled!!

Gently snuffing – getting close enough to the flame to extinguish, but not close enough to touch the candle. Sparkly watches for a puff of smoke.

Again, the creases save the day when it comes to re-folding the altar cloth and putting it away. Sparkly did a great job. He can’t wait to get to the other lessons. Now, it was Sweet Pea’s turn. She was just as eager to try her hand at this.

Unfolding the altar cloth.

Placing the candles on the altar.

Lighting the candles.

Snuffing. The exercise was great – I enjoyed learning right along with the kids! Maybe next week, we’ll move on to Altar Work 2 – using the corporal, chalice and paten.

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  1. I've been learning so much. Thanks for sharing the info and pictures. Any sites you recommend on this subject? Also, today I did a post on organizing material. I'm asking your recomendations and ideas through link ups and comments. I'd love to have you link-up. I saw so many ideas that couldn't decide which is the best…
    A big hug from PR

  2. Sorry! I erased half of the comment…
    Hi there! I've been checking out all your CGS and Home Atrium posts! Very enlighting! I've been learning so much from these posts. Thanks for sharing the info and pictures. Any sites you recommend on these subjects? Also, today I did a post on organizing material. I'm asking your recomendations and ideas through link ups and comments. I'd love to have you link-up. I saw so many ideas that on your blog that couldn't decide which is the best…
    A big hug from PR

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