A Narration Cube


Reading aloud to the entire group of kids is one of our favorite things.  Oh sure, we have our share of interruptions around here when we read aloud!  But, I treasure these times when we all sit down together to enjoy the next chapter in a book.  We’ve got a number of read alouds going on at one time!  We read in the morning, after lunch, before bed…and sometimes I read aloud special books to the older kids while the littles are enjoying quiet time in the afternoon.

So, if you’re reading aloud to the family, how do you handle narrations after your reading?  One at a time?  Starting with the youngest moving to the oldest?  I’ve done this a number of ways, but I came across a great idea that I had to share with you!!!

~ A narration cube ~

I saw this idea on Penny Gardner’s amazing site – click over right now if you’ve never been!  If I have one complaint about Penny’s site it’s that it isn’t very intuitively set up.  The links on the front page will get you in the door, but you have to be willing to do some hunting and link clicking to uncover all the treasures there!  Yesterday, I felt like a treasure hunter!

In clicking around, I had seen the Language Arts section before, but in clicking around a few links I found the narration cube. The point of the narration cube is to break down a narration into smaller parts, and it serves as a great introduction to literary terms.  Penny offers simple instructions on how to label the cube, and offers a link to a template that you can print and make your own cube.

I printed the template on cardstock and wrote the various terms on ours, using Modge Podge to affix the edges securely.  You can use any glue, but I like Modge Podge because it’s extremely forgiving and sets up very quickly!  The whole thing took me about 30 minutes to complete – and that was with my standard share of interruptions.  LOL!

Voila!  A narration cube!  Roll it gently at the end of a read aloud and allow the cube to indicate to a particular child exactly what to narrate.  Keep rolling and narrating until you’re satisfied!


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  1. Wow, what a great idea. That sounds like a fun way to add a little variety to our narrations. Thanks! And yes, I feel like every time I visit that site, I find another little section I never saw before!

  2. We have an eclectic lists of narration ideas that we printed out with a nice font on cardstock. The kids have to pull one of the slips out of the basket and follow the directions…this has been fun for us…and kind of like your cube idea! Thanks for the inspiration. I like to keep the enthusiasm fresh around here and mix things up a little…

  3. That is the coolest idea! And I absolutely LOVE Mod Podge and am doing several desk makeovers with it. I'm even wondering if I could Mod Podge the dog crate. It's summer and I have time on my hands ; ) Thanks for sharing!

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