Non nobis…and forging a new normal

Non nobis, non nobis, Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam.
Not to us, not to us, O Lord, but to Your Name be the Glory
Psalm 115

On May 25, 2011, my beloved brother, Christopher, went to his eternal reward.  Mom, Dad, my sister and I were each at his side, praying him home.


I waffled on posting an announcement about my sweet brother here on this blog.  I have my own blogging rules and enjoy posting on my own terms.  Some moments of my life and my family are treasures just for me and for my family to savor – whether they are joys or crosses.  I offer no apologies, excuses or reasons because I don’t have to.  I write and share freely. I’ve shared about crosses our family has faced before, and some crosses I’ve been content to hold closer to my heart, sheltered in more quiet.  The intense pain and cross of saying goodbye to my brother, Chris, whom I love with all of my heart, is one of those crosses I wanted to hold closer.

This pain, this cross, is going to change our family’s *normal*.  Chris was a part of the fabric of this family to such an extent, and loved by all of us with such a depth, that with his death, a *new normal* will have to be forged out of the pain and joy of this cross.  Over time.


I considered how it would be incongruous for me to share here as if nothing had changed for our family in order for me to shelter this pain in quiet.  I will protect, to a large extent, some sorrow and some joy, but I also want to be able to be who we are as a family…and who we are becoming with God’s grace.

Chris was a talented woodworker and I have shared here before about some of the beautiful pieces he made for our family.  Chris’ wish and prayer was always that anything that he may have put his hands, heart and soul into would always point back to Christ. When this sentiment needed expression, or if Chris chose to sign something he worked on, he chose the words of the Psalmist:

“Not to us, not to us, O Lord, but to Your Name be the Glory.” (Psalm 115)

With prayer and God’s grace and mercy, I pray that we will find our *new normal* more firmly anchored to Chris’ prayer and lifetime expression – NON NOBIS.

Tibi requiem aeternum, Chris.  We wait in joyful hope until we see you again…



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